Looking across the dark station platforms at a sign under the staircase off the station's footbridge
Sign for the Newark Historical Museum on the side of the historic depot
A Caution 120 mph train passes on this track, please stand back, before the staircase to continue down to the ground-level platform
The lights of an ACS-64 locomotive approach the station leading a Northeast Regional to zoom through it
Looking across to the Northbound and SEPTA platform, the modern station house is in the background
Ladies R oom is still etched above a door into the depot
The walkway outside the depot
The historical marker for the Newark Passenger Railroad Station, built in 1877
Outside the historic depot turned museum
Sign for Southbound trains on this side of tracks. Wait on Other Side of Museum.
A door into the Museum, currently closed for renovations
Streetside of the historic depot turned museum
The bike path outside the museum
The crosswalk from the station to the parking lot
Looking out to the crowded parking lot
The passenger drop-off and pick-up area outside the station
What will be the nice entrance eventually to the staircase up to the bridge to the southbound platform, integrated into the station next to the waiting room
Looking out from the modern station at the bus stops in the distance