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Pioneer Square
Home<Pacific Northwest<Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel (Buses 1990 to 2019)<Pioneer Square
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Poineer Square has a tall vaulted arch ceiling over the entire wide station for the two side light rail/bus platforms and the intermediate lane in-between them (originally desgined so buses can pass each other, now with just light rail as of 2019 its just empty space). The station was designed under the theme of Poineers and Timelessnes so marble is a common building material lining the walls and staircase bannisters. There are multiple artistic installations with this theme.

For exits, each platform has a staircase/up escalator and an elevator up to almost identical mezzanines at either end of the station. These are set directly inside the top of the vaulted ceiling and the ends overlooking the platform have just a low-fence offering a nice view of the platforms below. The south mezzanine has a wheel on display that was discovered during excavations and few information panels about the history of cable cars in Seattle. They ran up the steep hills from 1888 lasted until 1940, the last system to be abandoned leaving San Francisco as the only city with this unique form of transportation. This mezzanine leads to a single wide staircase, up escalator and elevator entrance inside Prefontaine Park at 2 Avenue and Yesler.

The north mezzanine has a 3 more entrances to it. There is a simple staircase and elevator right along the sidewalk up to the NE corner of 3 Avenue and James Street. There is an up escalator and staircase to an entrance inside a building on the north side of James Street between 3 and 2 Avenues. The final entrance is two escalators up to their own simple enclosure on the sidewalk on the east side of 3 Avenue between James and Cherry Streets.
Photos 1-34 taken on 11 October, 2011; 35-37: March 8, 2018;

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Home<Pacific Northwest<Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel (Buses 1990 to 2019)<Pioneer Square
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Line<Pioneer Square
Seattle Transit Tunnel
Downtown Seattle
Transit Tunnel

on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: July 1, 2024
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Sound Transit, there official website is here
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