Civic Drive is an infill station that opened on December 1, 2010 to serve new Transit Oriented Development. The station consists of two wider than other stations side platforms along the private ROW that run west from their only entrances at the grade-crossing with crossing gates at Civic Drive. There is a small chain of a fence between the tracks.
The platforms each have a single modern glass and steel canopy with a small bench with a glass windscreen. The columns have blue tiles around them like all the modern Green line stations down to Clackamas County. There is also an LCD display listing service information and next trip times inside. Strangely there are not outside fences on the platform just tons of vegetation. There is a single TVM near the intersection at the entrance to each platform that has a smaller glass canopy. Civic Drive Iris by Pete Beeman marks the entrance to the station with a weathervane in the shape of an iris. All the signage is of the more modern type with a blue background.
All photos taken on 18 October, 2011