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Home<Pacific Northwest<Sound Transit Link Light Rail<

Stadium station consists of one island platform with a single entrance from its northern end from the grade crossing with S Royal Bougham Way. It is just south of the Seattle Transit Tunnel and after crossing Royal Bougham Way it joins the ROW of the transitway it is running alongside to enter the tunnel beneath downtown seattle.

The single entrance plaza with the TVMs beneath a shelter across the entire entry area to the island platform feels like an unnecessarily long but wide way to reach the single extra wide island platform. This long walkway was primarily designed (I believe) for the crowds after Mariners, Sounders, and Seahawks Games walking to the station from the stadium a few blocks away. The platform has a canopy design almost identical to SODO with the meal mesh of what could be a canopy for the entire platform but glass only in the middle of it.
Photos 1-19 taken on 11 October, 2011, 20-24 on 11 April, 2014

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Home<Pacific Northwest<Sound Transit Link Light Rail<
Link Light Rail
Sound Transit's
Link Light Rail
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: 9 January, 2012
The describtions of all artwork come from the "START on Link: Guide to Art Along the Central Link light rail line" brochure, Sound Transit, Obtained 2011
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Sound Transit, there official website is here
This Website is copyright © 2003-2024, Jeremiah Cox. This website is not affiliated with any transit provider. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.