Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd
111 St-Greenwood Av
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Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Express (Except Late Nights)<Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd
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Lefferts Blvd Shuttle (Late Nights Only)<Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd

Lefferts Blvd is the terminus of what was originally the BMT Liberty Street elevated line when it opened on September 25, 1915 and taken over by the IND Fulton Street Subway trains on April 29, 1956. Like all terminal stations on the subway, it has a layout that is a little different. The station is a two-track stub-terminal with a single island platform. There is a tower at the western end of the platform facing the tracks. A small area between the tower and the beginning of the platform canopy has an old Lefferts Blvd sign and some lampposts still using incandescent bulbs. There are the usual signs along the platform saying which track for the Next Train. It feels like the platform's canopy (that stretches for the entire platform except for the westernmost car) was replaced during a different time period because the columns holing it up look different than any other station on the line.

The station has two exits; one staircase leads down past some crew quarters (one door had now removed sign on it in 2013 for Radio Dispatched: Train Trouble Control) to an unstaffed exit with one with High Entrance Turnstile and a High Exit Turnstile right out in the open directly below the station platform before walkways lead to staircases down to NW and SW corners of Liberty Avenue and 116 Street. At some point between 2013 and 2023 these were replaced by a bank of 3 regular turnstiles

The staffed entrance is at the typical end of the line position, at the eastern end of the platform where three doors on the platform itself opens to a staircase that leads down to a mezzanine area and exits via a street stair down to the NW and SW corners of Lefferts Blvd and Liberty Avenue.

After many years of delays the station finally got full ADA accessibility with elevators opening on January 25, 2018. This project also gave the station a renovation. The project installed two elevators near the NW corner of Liberty Avenue and Lefferts Blvd in the same frosted glass elevator shaft. These elevators don't service the same floors. One goes from the street to the mezzanine, after fare control the other from the mezzanine up to just beyond the end of the platform, where a narrow passageway leads to the actual platform.
Photos 1-19: December 29, 2008; 20-32: September 13, 2013; 33-44: January 9, 2014; 45-93: November 24, 2023; 94: October 11, 2014; 95-98: January 20, 2015; 99 & 100: January 18, 2025;

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Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Express (Except Late Nights)<Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd
Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Lefferts Blvd Shuttle (Late Nights Only)<Ozone Park-Lefferts Blvd
NYC Subway
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: November 11, 2023
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