Deerfield is a historic station on the Milwaukee West Line. The Hipped Roof style Parie Station was designed by architect Jay W. Nettenstorm and was built in 1903, as a plaque inside the station placed by the Deerfield Historical Soiciety in November 1990 commemorates. Additional plaques thanks Walter M. Moses for the station's preservation placed July 4, 1976, and commemorate the restoration of the station in October 1998. A final plaque dedicates the station onto the National Register of Historic Places in 1998. The depot itself is a black and cream colored building with small black and cream Deerfield signs hanging from its overhanging roof.
This depot is located along the Inbound platform near it's southern end. Both platforms begin just north of the underpass of Deerfield Road. The Inbound platform has a modern decorative footbridge above Deerfield Road with roof and columns designed to look like the historic depot and staircases down to both sides of Deefield Road. This footbridge leads to a secondary parking lot on the south side of the tracks. There are also two additional wooden waiting shelter/canopies on the Inbound platform and a slightly larger canopy/shelter on the Outbound platform all in the same style as the historic depot. Most of the station's parking is on the Inbound side around the depot and in the small lot across Deerfield Road. The outbound platform just has a few staircases down to what is basically on street parking along Park Avenue parrallel to the tracks.
Photos 1-32: 25 October, 2017; 35-38: taken on 13 October, 2017