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Harbor Freeway
Harbor Freeway /
Home<California<Los Angeles Metro<Green Line<Harbor Freeway / I-105

Harbor Freeway Station is the connection point between the Green Line and the Silver Line Express bus that uses the Harbor Transitway into Downtown Los Angeles. The Green Line station is towards the top of the massive spaghetti soup of highway ramps that connect the Harbor Freeway (I-105, or the 105 in L.A. Lingo) used by the Green Line, with the Century Freeway (I-110 or the 110) used by the Silver Line. There are though a few ramps that cross above the station. The stop has the standard island platform and most of it has an orange roof. There are elevators at either end and two staircases, one with an up escalator that lead down to a mezzanine area just beneath with quite a lot of the new white fare control fencing and a few turnstile banks. The western end leads directly out to the station's 663 space park & ride lot, local bus connections and Figueroa Street. This has old sign saying just 24 minutes to downtown LA by Express Bus. The eastern end of the mezzanine has two separate sets of stairs/escalators and an eleavtor that lead down to the freeway bus platform located at ground-level. This is the only way to reach the buses. This is a white island-type platform but since buses don't have left-hand doors the lanes of traffic cross each other at each end of the platform (forming a double-helix) and in the station exhibit left-hand instead of right-hand running.

Artwork: The light rail stations bright yellow canopy and concrete reliefs of hand jesters are part of Locus: City Imprints by Steve Appleton.
Photos 1-10 taken on 18 March, 2010, 11-48 on 24 March, 2011

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P2000 #230 stops in the stationBeneath the guideway
A small on platform sign
Stairs/escalators downstairs
The entrance area
A staircase up to the platform
The roadways cross to allow an island platform for buses (using left-hand running) at one end of the bus stop
Artwork on the bus platform
Another view of bus platform artwork
A Southbound Silver Line bus using a regular orange local bus stops
More artwork in the transitway
Turnstiles to the green line
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Home<California<Los Angeles Metro<Green Line<Harbor Freeway / I-105
LA Metro

Last Updated: 23 April, 2011
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), there official website is here, or any other transit provider
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