Myrtle Avenue (Wyckoff Avenue) on the L train has a single island platform for the two track line, with Ms in the trim along the top of the platform walls. There are four staircases strategically placed towards the middle of the platform up to the decently sized underground mezzanine for the Canarsie Line.
In the middle of the mezzanine is the L trains own platform elevator, as well as the main elevator, and stairs (about 10 feet across from the L train's platform elevator) up to the main full time exit with turnstiles in a headhouse building that was fully renovated from 2004 through 2008. It is a triangular building, bounded by Myrtle, Wycoff and Gates Avenues, on a triangular intersection. The building has brick walls, green trim, and plenty of windows. The main entrance is along Wyckoff Avenue which has been turned into a pedestrian street.
This headhouse is also where the two escalators (one for each direction) can be found leading directly up from the mezzanine to the top level of the station house and the passageway that leads to another elevator and stairs complex up to the M platform.
Towards the eastern end of the mezzanine is a secondary exit with an underground unstaffed fare control area with High Entrance/Exit Turnstiles lead up to a couple of conventional street stairs up to the NW and NE corners of Myrtle Avenue and Wyckoff Avenue (at the three-way intersection with Palmetto Street). These exits are technically in Ridgewood, Queens and not Broolyn, because the borough and county line run down Wyckoff Avenue (curving north a block west at Gates Avenue) and runs down the middle of the station platform.
Photo 1-5: August 13, 2008; 6 & 16: June 1, 2009; 7-15: June 30, 2009; 17 & 18: July 14, 2013

The elevator up to the M platform viewed from the bottom of the escalator that brings passengers from above ground to underground.

The Wall of the 8 Avenue-bound platform at Myrtle Avenue (L).

The M in the restored trim at Myrtle Avenue alongside the island platform walls.

A view down the island platform at Myrtle Avenue, there is a now closed staircase in view in this photo.

All of the column signs now say Myrtle-Wycoff Avs there, although that is really an intersection of two streets.

An expirimental Train Locator Console that shows the location of all L trains along the line courtesy of CBTC.

A street stair at Myrtle Avenue that leads directly down to the underground portion of the complex

The Myrtle Avenue underground island platform

On the underground mezzanine that's a decent size for a BMT station

The High and regular turnstiles out to the underground exit at Myrtle Avenue.

Outside of fare control the passageways that lead to the street stairs out of Myrtle Avenue

Another view of the Myrtle Avenue mezzanine area.

Elevators to both the street-level station house exit and the M train and the escalalators that lead directly up to it at Myrlte Avenue

A closed emergency exit only staircase at Myrtle Avenue

A close up of the M mosaic in the station's trim along the platform walls

Another street stair down to the underground Myrtle Avenue Station

Signs for the Escalator for the M with service change signs since the J is replacing it this weekend (buses frunning from Myrtle Aveune to Broadway Junction)

Service change sign to the J stopping at the M platform
Last Updated: 13 November, 2008
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