A faded sign and the sidewalk to the street to reach the Washington-bound platform
Looking up at the end of the Baltimore-bound platform
Steps down to the sidewalk of Franklin Street
Heading down the sidewalk of Franklin Street to reach the Washington-bound platform
Approaching one of the staircases for the Washington-bound platform
Looking up at the Washington-bound platform
A Thank you for riding MARC: Trains traveling Southbound to Washington will operate on this side of the platform. (Not great language, there isn't an island platform)
A sign for the West Baltimore Transfer Center for MARC Southbound Washington, DC Trains, and a sign for Connecting Buses
Looking up at the Washington-bound platform
Heading up to the Washington-bound platform
Looking over to the second staircase off the grassy embankment from the Washington-bound platform
Sign for West Baltimore, a tactile sign
One of the entrances to one of the wooden boarding crosswalks on the Washington-bound platform
An older style West Baltimore, arrow towards Washington, DC platform sign for Tracks 2 & 3
Sign for Thank You for riding MARC and Full Information and timetables are located on the black station display boards
A West Baltimore station sign on the back of the station shelters
Looking across to a West Baltimore Platform sign on Track A