The warning Private Property No Trespassing, and Danger High Speed Electric Trains signs across from a Claymont Station sign
The sextuple-wide bus shelter for waiting passengers
AEM7 #925 approaches, leading a Southbound Train
The Blur of the central Northeast Regional Cafe car passes through the station
The Security Warning: These Premises are monitored by a 24 Hour Security Camera Surveillance System For Your Protection, All Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted Sign on the shelter
The long blue bench, split in two by a trash can inside the station house
SEPTA Silverliner IV #416 approaches heading northbound on the express track and will skip the station
The blur of SEPTA Silverliner IVs heading northbound (wrong railing) and a Southbound Train approaches
A Zoom in shot of SEPTA AEM7 #2303 passing a SEPTA Silverliner train, notice the standard Pennsylvania Railroad Northeast Corridor signals beyond
AEM7 #2303 approaches pulling a southbound Rush Hour Express train towards the station
A side view of SEPTA AEM7 #2023 blurring through the station
SEPTA I cars #2506 and #2502 enter the station on a push-pull rush hour express train
More SEPTA I Push-pull cars on a rush hour express train stopping in the station
A side view of SEPTA AEM7 #2303 stopped in the station
Looking down the Pennsylvania-bound platform with a Claymont Platform sign
The newer SEPTA II car #2559 with a center door on a push pull train. These are the same as an NJ Transit Comet IIIs
The blur of SEPTA I Cab Car #2406 heading south at the back of a Newark-bound rush hour express train
The blur of SEPTA I Cab Car #2406 continues at the back of a southbound train, cars on I-495 are visible just beyond
The curving Northbound platform, mini-high platform in the distance
Stand Back text and the red tactile warning strip on the Philadelphia-bound platform