Looking out at the northern end of the Southbound platform in front of a vacant lot
The Northbound platform's northern end regular windscreens and a fence just beyond. There are Tap On/Tap Off readers
The wraps on the windscreens are floral patterns
A blue bench and floral wraps on the platform windscreens
A Claymont sign and the black supports of the angled platform canopy
A wide angle view across shows the bridge off the Northbound platform leads to the corner of the parking garage
Looking across to the windscreen and the Southbound platform
The faded Watch the Gap Stencils and the northern end of the Southbound platform across
A full view of the floral pattern in the platform windscreens, they are quite wide with a nearby bench looking very small
The blue bench in a platform windscreened area with the floral canopy
The pedestrian bridge has an arch through it, meaning its only supported by its two buildings, no supports in the middle of the tracks
A unique Black SEPTA Claymont sign
The lower elevator landing to leave the Southbound platform
Waiting for the doors to close to leave Level 1 on the elevator. A sign says Level 1 for Northbound platform and Level 3 with an arrow for the pedestrian overpass to the Southbound Platform and Parking Garage 1,2,3 (its levels)
Looking south at the trees (and an emergency access road) from the upper landing of the entrance to the bridge that is the Northbound platform's only exit