Stanwood, WA

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Home<Amtrak<Stanwood, WA

Stanwood, WA opened on November 21, 2009 and for the first time became an Amtrak stop. It is the newest station on the Amtrak Cascades corridor, and receives trains twice a day in each direction (the midday thruway bus bypasses the stop, its too far a detour from I-5). The stop consists of a simple 600 foot-long concrete platform just north of the town center and the grade crossing for 271 Street NW, along Florence Road across from Wolfkill Feed and Seed that has its own railway siding. This platform amenities are sparse consisting of two small metal canopies with brown metal roofs designed to look like the rafters of a barn. Each has two black benches beneath. Between the canopies is the only station sign, a modern Amtrak information sign with information panels facing the short 4 steps down to the street. Two ramps lead down to the street in opposite directions from here as well. The rest of the platform consists of black lampposts and a low-light brown railing as the train line enters agriculture fields just north of the platform. Alongside the platform entrance is a drop-off loop, Island Transit Bus stop and behind it, a small parking lot.
All photos taken on 12 October, 2011

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Home<Amtrak<Stanwood, WA

Last Updated: 7 December, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak Cascades, their official website is here, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is Amtrak's Great American Stations as well as where all historical train information comes from.
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