The staircase down to the older tunnel, or ramp to continue to the Trenton-bound platform
Inside the older pedestrian tunnel connecting the two platforms
Approaching the staircase up to the Trenton & Princeton-bound side of the station
On the curving away from the NEC, Dinky train shuttle platform
Sign for Princeton Junction at West Windsor on the Dinky platform
Looking past the concrete station house at the NEC platforms
Doorways (the doors are removed) into the Dinky/Trenton platform waiting room
A wooden bench in the very 1980s - the tiled walls, Dinky/Trenton platform little waiting room
Looking out to a Princeton Junction at West Windsor Station entrance sign with both Amtrak/NJ Transit logos above the main tunnel to the station on the New York-bound platform
Zooming across the parking lot towards an approaching Dinky Train way in the distance
Arrow III #1312 approaches curving over the parking lot
Arrow III #1312 approaching, on the shuttle track with grade-crossings across the parking lot
Arrow III #1312 approaches one of two grade-crossings across the parking lot
Arrow III #1312 approaching the Dinky platform
Looking up at Arrow III #1312 approaching the station
Looking down to the curving Dinky Platform at Arrow III #1331 that has turned around (the headlights are now on) and waits for the train from New York to arrive so passengers can shuttle to it
Looking up from the grade-crossing at the Dinky's high-level platform
The end of the Dinky's platform, long beyond where the two-car Dinky train ever stops
Arrow III #1331 waits to leave
Some apartments under construction in the distance from the Dinky platform