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Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Morristown Line (MidTOWN DIRECT)<Millburn
Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Gladstone Branch<Millburn

Millburn is the one stop on the ex-Lackawana, Morris & Essex Main Line between Summit and Hoboken that has had its original station house destroyed. The station has two low-level side platforms for a line with just two tracks. It is also the first easternmost stop with only two tracks that become three between here and Maplewood. The station is built into a hillside with the Newark-bound platform raised up along an embankment and the Gladstone/Hackettstown-bound platform along and at the same level as the station's main 325 space parking by permit only lot that even uses a valet system to maximize space, with the South Mountain Reservation (a park) just across Glen Avenue from the parking lot parallel to it. (a few other parking lots are around this one).

The Newark-bound platform has the station's remaining, ugly 1950-1960s station building. This building is located on two levels, built into the side of the hill. On the upper level is the station platform, and the lower level businesses of Millburn's downtown along Essex Street parallel to the tracks. Along the platform is a simple, flat white overhanging roof in a building with modern marble walls both along the street and platform. At the eastern end of the building doors lead into the stations small modern ticket office opened from 4:50am to 12:50pm. Glass windows face the street at the ticket office and lettering in them says NJ Transit Rail Operations Millburn Station. TVMs are directly outside the ticket offoce. It is at this end of the building, covered by a similar white canopy that one of just two staircases leads off the platform. This staircase leads along the building down to street level. The platforms other amenities are some benches, modern format signs plus signs that say Home of the Paper Mill Playhouse above a map with two different walking routes to the theater a block away (one on a walking path along the railroad ROW and another along streets with 'Better Lighting at Night'). There is a single bus shelter towards the western end of the platform as another place to wait.

In the middle of the base of the building is an entrance to the underpass to Gladstone/Hackettstown-bound trains. This underpass leads straight through the bottom of the building to a staircase up to the Summit-bound platform. This staircase leads up to the Gladstone/Hackettstown-bound platform inside the basement of a white colonial building with a porch that covers the platform. At the end of the underpass is a door signed elevator machine room, for the building, not the public. This building is the Millburn R.R. Professional Building and I originally thought might be an original station house but a railfan passerby told me no, its a new building, built above the platform and underpass. Amenities for waiting passengers are some benches beneath the roof of the station and a slightly large shelter surrounding a wooden bench just west of the depot. At the western end of both platforms (on the Gladstone/Hackettstown-bound platform becomes a walking path with ballast between it and the tracks) is a staircase with old railings down to the east side of Lackawanna Place.
All Photos taken on 19 February, 2013

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Approaching the station from the parking lot
ALP-44 #4633 pushes a train out of the station
A train gradually leaves the station
A missing lamppost along the modern platforms
Looking across to the modern station house
The Millburn R.R. Professional building is along the westbound platform
Looking across to the modern station house
A MidTOWN DIRECT Train approaches
Streetside of the Millburn Professional Building along the westbound platform
MLV #7027 is the last car of a MidTOWN DIRECT Train leaving the station
The brick opening in the professional building is the underpass
Looking down the staircase to the pedestrian tunnel
The side of the elevator machine room along the underpass
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Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Morristown Line (MidTOWN DIRECT)<Millburn
Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Gladstone Branch<Millburn
New Jersey Transit

Last Updated: 8 April, 2013
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