Basking Ridge
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Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Gladstone Branch<Basking Ridge

Basking Ridge is a Gladstone Branch station just inside the lines crossing of I-287. This expressway is closest to an outer beltway around the New York City Metropolitan Area (it makes a crescent running from Port Chester in Westchester over the Tappan-Zee Bridge and south before curving back east and ending near the Outerbridge Crossing). The station has a single track with a 7 car low-level side platform on the south side of this track that begins at the grade-crossing of Ridge Street and runs west. The edge of the platform is simply a decaying yellowing line; the station is far from ADA compliant. In the middle of this platform is a station house with simple cream-colored flat walls covered by advertisements, maroon famed windows and a Spanish tile roof. In the middle of the roof a historic semaphore signal still stands albeit non-operating. Inside is a small waiting room with wooden benches, a small book exchange shelf, and a restroom. A radiator is in the middle of the room. It was closed on a summer afternoon. No hours of operation for the waiting room are posted. The station has two small parking lots, the main are a couple rows of parking on each side of Depot Street that runs along the station. These are 53 daily and permit parking spaces. Depot Street curves around to a second, smaller lot that has some grass with a walkway down to the platform and 36 parking spaces
All Photos taken on 30 May, 2014

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Approaching the station, this is the small upper parking lot
The station is along a small amount of parking
The platform beyond the parking lot, the overpass bridge over I-287 is visible
The semaphore signal on the roof of the depot
Looking into the waiting area with a bench along one wall and radiator in the middle
The main doors into the station, signs around them are unreadable
Looking through the windows into the station, notice the door that says Signal Department and sealed ticket window
Streetside of the depot
A walkway to the extra parking lots above the station
The grade-crossing of Ridge Street at the station
A sign for the station and grade-crossing at the entrance to the platform
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Home<New Jersey<NJ Transit Rail<Gladstone Branch<Basking Ridge
New Jersey Transit

Last Updated: 7 September, 2014
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