Seymour is a simple station on the Waterbury Branch. It is located in a small town whose downtown like many has definitely seen better days. Like all in the intermediate stations the very old fashioned state of the station makes it seem like it should be a small-town America station on Amtrak and not a commuter rail station.
The station has a concrete side platform, there is concrete box (about the size of a high level platform) just across the main line track and the siding track from the station platform. The only amenity on the platform is two wooden boxes to make getting up the stairs onto the train easier (two sets of doors can be opened for boarding passengers).
There is a small brick building in the center of the platform that provides a small cinderblock (with no seating of any kind) waiting room for the station. When I visited in 2008 the waiting room had a door, when I revisited the station in 2023, the waiting room door had been removed. The roof of the depot has a bit of an overhang that provides a bit of a canopy for the rest of the platform. A sign on the shelter building says "Welcome to the Town of Seymour: Antique and Shopping District" with an arrow. The shelter also has a plaque for "Eagle Scout Project: Benjamin Rich, Boy Scout Troop 11, Seymour, CT: Refurbishment of Seymour Train Station, August 2021.
This sign is fitting because station is just off of Main Street (with shops and restaurants directly across from the platform), with just angled parking spaces for Metro-North customers, along the platform. These spaces are in what feels like basically a super wide portion of Main Street instead of a separate parking lot, there is just a small median across from the station's little shelter.
Just south of the station is an extremely high pedestrian bridge over the tracks. Its quite high because the station is across from a hillside.
Photos 1-11: 12 June, 2008, visited by car. 12-32: November 27, 2023, visit by car.

A view of the small little waiting house on the platform at Seymour.

A close up of non-platform side view of the waiting house on the platform at Seymour, a station sign along it and a window out of it are visible.

The very minimal Waterbury Shuttle schedules in a display case along one wall of the small brick station house.

The only station sign that faces trains at Seymour is in a very sad state, also visible is a door to the outside world from the small brick waiting house and a wooden platform for boarding trains, and the Recycling center that even the Metro-North Stations in the worst conditions seem to have.

A close-up of another Seymour sign along the brick station house.

A interior shot of the cinderblock waiting room at Seymour with no amenities.

The strange concrete box just across the tracks at Seymour.

A view of downtown Seymour from the nearest street with station parking visible and the brick station house barely visible.

Looking down the tracks just south of the station at Seymour with the station platform visible with its two wooden boxes.

Another view down the single track at Seymour from the overpass.

A streetside view of the small station waiting house at Seymour.

Approaching the station's parking lot/just super wide Main Street, there isn't clear separation.

Cars parked along the station platform the little station house in the middle of it

A bike rack and wooden step for boarding passengers

Looking down the low-level platform, passed park cars

The single in-service track, low-level passenger platform, and former freight platform on an unused siding

The wooden boarding box and station building

A Seymour sign under the canopy of the station's shelter

Close up of a small Seymour sign with the Connecticut Department of Transportation logo in one corner

Signs in the windows of the little building for New Fares, and New schedules, all QR code based
Last Updated:20 November, 2013
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with MTA Metro-North Railroad, there official website is here
This Website is maintained and copyright © 2003-2025, Jeremiah Cox. This website is not affiliated with any transit provider. Please do not remote link images or copy them from this website without permission.