Mission Park is an in-traffic street stop Green Line 'E' Branch station located on Huntington Avenue. The Inbound stop has a shelter that has a black roof that says Huntington Avenue, a small sign and a tall T-Post, a small sign says Mission Park Green Line-(E) Heath Street on a pole. It is located just east of the T-intersection of Mission Park Drive. The Outbound stop is a T-Post, east of here, just west of the intersection of Parker Hill Avenue
All photos taken on 29 June, 2011

An Inbound Type-8 LRV #3860 approaches to stop

Type-7 LRV #3610A stops, traffic yielding

Type-8 LRV #3860 leaves Mission Park

The outbound trolley stop sign, shelter in front of the Mission Park Apartment Building

Another view of the outbound stop

Outbound Type-7 LRV #3617 approaches Mission Park

An outbound train bypasses Mission Park (no passengers have requested the stop)

A Bus passes an outbound 2 car train

Outbound Type-8 LRV #3834 near Mission Park
Last Updated: 3 July, 2011
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