Blandford Street is the first station on the B branch has it leaves its tunnel portal and enters the median of Commonwealth Avenue for the rest of its long slow route to Boston College. The stop consists of two narrow side platforms each with a small bench and canopy structure like at a bus stop, and a wide yellow line along the track. These are just east of the intersection and right before the line goes downhill into the subway. The stop is more substantial than some but is missing any form of actual signage saying the station name.
All photos taken on 29 June, 2011

A bench on the outbound platform

Type-7 #3697 and a type-8 LRV make their way underground

Two type-7 LRV trains pass

Type-7 LRV #3646 running alone begins its slow run to BC in the middle of Commonwealth Avenue

Another view of the tiny canopy on the outbound platform

Type-8 #3880 and an inbound trian leave
Last Updated: 6 July, 2011
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