The Blue Line platforms at State have almost completed renovations with modern tiled walls with indentations and seals commemorating Massachusetts History, new elevator entrances, and decorative silver sheathing covering the old standard blue painted platform columns. The stop has two side platforms; at their western ends is a connection to the orange line via stairs from the outbound platform and a long ramp from the inbound platform. At this end is also where staircases lead up to the stops original (and only until Early 2011) entrance directly to the blue line in a small area in the basement of the Old State House with doors from inside of its lowest level that lead directly out to the street. New entrances that consist of passageways directly along each platform that lead to faregates and then a new elevator can be found set into existing buildings on the opposite side western side of State Street right near Congress Street as these exits are signed. On the Inbound platform the exit is called 60 State Street.
Photos 1-17 taken on 29 June, 2011, 18-23: 22 August, 2013

Getting of a Blue Line train as its platforms undergo restoration

Non-tiled walls have these non-conventional little signs

The ramp to the Bowdion-bound platform from the orange line

The modern tiled platform walls

The new and now opened corridor to the entrance to 60 State St

The ramp and staircase to the original entrance beneath the State House

The fare gates to the 60 State St entrance

The outbound platform has a similar entrance with a long corridor into an existing building

Up the stairs to the original entrance inside the Old State House

Approaching the fare gates

Passengers go back downstairs

The State House with the entrance doors in its bottom level

The new elevator for the Wonderland platform

The doors to the new elevator for the Bowdion platform

A staircase for the Bowdion-bound platform

A sign about the improvement project nearing completion that added the new Blue Line elevators

There are no columns between the platforms a Bowdion-bound train is entering

Looking across to the opposite track and platform at a Bowdion-bound train in the station

Looking over to the front (its Boston, headlights left off) of a Bowdoin train stopped in the station
Last Updated: September 12, 2021
This website is not affiliated with the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Their official website is here
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