Stewart Manor
Stewart Manor is a station located on the grade-level Hempstead Branch and has two side platforms for the two track line. The station has two side platforms that can fit 10 cars for the two track line. These platforms begin at a grade crossing at its eastern end of New Hyde Park Road. The New Hyde Park station on the main line is a half-mile north. The New York-bound platform is alongside Plaza Road, the Hempstead-bound is Manor Road, both have some parking along each platform. There is a small fairly modern concrete station house with a waiting area along the New York-bound platform. The building has turquoise tiled walls and grey plastic bucket benches. There is what looks like white cardboard covering the ticket office that has been closed since 1996. Finally in the middle of the platform is a 'foot subway' pedestrian underpass beneath the tracks that have small covered entrances from street level in similar styles to the station house this connects for pedestrian Roosevelt Street that is cut into two sections by the train tracks.Photos 1-7 taken on 9 June, 2006, 8-22 on 1 March, 2013

Looking down the simple two track, two island platform Stewart Manor Station from a grade crossing

A platform sign at Stewart Manor along a platform fence with a small station parking lot in the background

Signs up for the platform at Stewart Manor

A newish looking concrete station house at Stewart Manor.

A platform sign at Stewart Manor with well cut shrubbery in the background

Westbound M7 #7559 leads a train into Stewart Manor

Westbound M7 #7559 stops at Stewart Manor

Stairs up to an on platform shelter

The New York-bound platform gets narrower by the station house

The station house that takes some area out of the New York-bound platform

Beneath one of the porches on the New York-bound platform

Streetside view of the station house

The parking lot the station house is along

The ramp down from the New York-bound platform
Last Updated:15 January, 2011
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
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