Elder Avenue is located just after the Bronx River Bridge on Westchester Avenue. The station is a typical Westchester Avenue elevated station. To leave the station two staircases lead down from each platform to a typical cramped dual contracts-era mezzanine that includes a cross-under in the center of the platform. From here two streetstairs lead out, one from each side of the station house. These lead down to the SW and NE corners of Elder Avenue and Westchester Avenue.
The station has the typical cream-colored windscreen found on most elevated platforms; luckily this is on the center of each platform only, with the exposed portions of the platform with just low black fences. On the Manhattan-bound end the trains enter the station descending from the high bridge over the Bronx River. The Whitlock Avenue station is viewable around the curve on the other side of the bridge out a curve in the distance.
The station was renovated and fully closed from February 28, 2011, through October 16, 2011. This renovation replaced the corrugated cream-colored windscreens with the current cream with green accent lines windscreens. The mezzanine and streetstairs were all fully rebuilt.
Photos 1-8: December 6, 2004; 9-17: December 13, 2004; 19-27: June 10, 2011; 28-42: April 4, 2013; 43-47: September 10, 2012;

A boring metal platform sign at Elder Avenue

Looking down the Pelham-bound platform at Elder Avenue

Two R-142A Downtown 6 Local and 6 Express trains going over the Bronx River viewed from Elder Avenue

Two R-142A Downtown 6 Local and Express trains going over the Bronx River viewed from Elder Avenue

A Pelham-bound R-142A 6 Local train enters Elder Avenue (6) descending from the Bridge over the Bronx River

Elder Avenue has boring blue canopies on each platform.

A Pelham-bound R-142A 6 Local train enters Elder Avenue

Downtown R-142A #7601 6 Express train bypasses Elder Avenue

A Pelham-bound R-142A #7640 6 train leaves Elder Avenue

Two R-142A 6 Local trains pass each other (#7353-7352, ?) entering and leaving Elder Avenue

Two R-142A 6 Pelham-bound Local and Manhattan-bound Express trains pass each other between Elder Avenue and the close Morrison-Sound View Avenues

A Manhattan-bound R-142A #7736 6 Express train enters Elder Avenue

Two R-142A 6 trains: A Manhattan-bound Express train bypasses Elder Avenue and a Local train (#7351) leaves after stopping.

An R-142A 6 Manhattan-bound Local train goes over the Bronx River outside of Elder Avenue

An R-142A 6 Pelham-bound Local train comes down from the bridge over the Bronx River to enter Elder Avenue

R-142 #7360 enters Elder Avenue (6) as a Pelham bound 6 Local

Looking down the Manhattan-bound platform at Elder Avenue

A Downtown 6 Express train finishes bypassing Elder Avenue, approaching the Bronx River Bridge

Construction vehicles under the elevated at Elder Avenue

A bus stop on an island replacing subway service at Elder Avenue that is being rebuilt
Last Updated: November 12, 2023
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