Clinton-Washington Avs
Lafayette Av
Franklin Av
Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Local<Clinton-Washington Avs
Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Local (Late Nights Only)<Clinton-Washington Avs

The Clinton-Washington Aves Station is a very simple two side platformed IND Fulton Street Line local Station. It has no mezzanine of any kind, so no crossover or under. Each platform is served by two exits at the extreme ends of the platforms. At the eastern ends of the platforms is an exit to Washington Avenue, on the Brooklyn-bound platform this is where the turnstiles are (and in 2008) converted token booth to a Customer Service Kiosk was. From here a single streetstair leads up to the SE corner of Washington Avenue and Fulton Street. This exit on the Manhattan-bound platform is simply two High Entrance/Exit Turnstiles that lead to a single streetstair up to the NE corner of Washington Avenue and Fulton Street.

The western ends of the platform are the exits to Clinton Avenue, on the Brooklyn-bound platform as of 2009 this exit is exit only served by a very old looking wooden high exit turnstile, by 2015 this was replaced by a High Exit, and two High Entrance Turnstiles, making this also an entrance. Streetstairs lead up to the SE and SW corners of Clinton Avenue and Fulton Street. The Manhattan-bound platform has the one full-service token booth and turnstiles. Streetstairs lead up to the NE and NW corners of Clinton Avenue and Fulton Street.

The station only has pillars in the fare control areas, which are lime green, along with lime green name tablets and trim in light and dark shades along the platforms.
Photos 1-15: June 25, 2008

Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Local<Clinton-Washington Avs
Home<New York<NYC Subway<
Central Park West-8 Avenue-Fulton Local (Late Nights Only)<Clinton-Washington Avs
NYC Subway
on the SubwayNut

Last Updated: 3 June, 2009
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