90 Street-Elmhurst Av is a 7 local station located above Roosevelt Avenue. The stop has the standard design of two side platforms that are canopied and windscreened in their midsections, where the 2 staircases are down from each platform to the station house beneath the tracks, but are left to be exposed to the elements at their ends. The north stairs down from each platform do not connect to each other within fare control, each leads down to its own bank of turnstiles and are signed Exit Only on the platform. The south stairs do connect providing a free crossunder to their bank of turnstiles, exits from the station lead to street stairs on the NE and NW corners of 90 Street and Roosevelt Avenue, along with a more unusual one that curves away from the station house to be parallel to the station and leads to the small triangle formed by Elmhurst Av, Case St and Roosevelt Av, since the grid shifts at the station.
Photos 1: June 10, 2004; 2-4: September 7, 2005; 5-19: May 28, 2010; 20-30: July 16, 2013; 31-37: September 5, 2023;

A platform sign at 90 St-Elmhurst Avenue

A R62A 7 train continues to leave

Getting off a stopped train at 90 St-Elmhurst Av

Approaching the Exit only staircase that does not lead to a free crossunder

Looking across to the opposite platform at 90 St-Elmhurst Av

Approaching the turnstiles

The bank of turnstiles for a staircase up to only the Manhattan-bound platform

The turnstiles for the Flushing-bound platform only and exit staircase that curves out from the middle of the station house

Looking down the exterior of the station from a street stair

The streetstair to the tiny triangle that curves away from the station house

The two other more conventional streetstairs

The portion of the mezzanine with the small waiting area and free crossunder

Looking across to one of the street stairs and an odd translucent wall

Approaching a platform end with modern speaker structures

Approaching an exposed end of the 82 Street platform

A well placed Exit Only sign since the free crossunder is only along one side of the station house with the split turnstile design
Last Updated: 16 July, 2013
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