The 15 Street and Union Square East entrance and a square subway station column with a round modern globe on top
The identical glass canopy entrance from Union Square West
Union Square and subway written in the glass canopy
The modern sign for the subway services at Union Square on the Union Square West Entrance beneath its glass canopy
Approaching the turnstiles from the Union Square West Entrance
A closed entrance post Superstorm Sandy, although the IRT is running to Brooklyn there is no BMT service yet
Another Union Square Plaza entrance with police tape since this entrance is closed, only 4,5,6 service has been restored and passengers must use those entrances
New LCD screens on the mezzanine
Sign for Downtown & Brooklyn N,Q,R,W and L Two levels down
The taped off express trains, No Q trains south of 34 Street
The stop location for 8,6,4 and trimline photo of the junction of Broadway and Bowery Road in 1828
Looking across Work in progress tape on the closed express tracks
The 14 Street column signs with the wheelchair logo and tape below
A Union Square column sign (blocked by a pipe at the wheelchair Boarding Area
A small (the ceilings are too low) 14 Street-Union Square sign at the Wheelchair Boarding Area
Looking across to the Conductors TV monitors and column signs
The service change sign including the Q being part suspended
Sign for 16 St & Union Sq West and to turn around for wheelchair access