Western is another Orange Line Station with two rapid transit tracks just north of two more main line (freight only) railroad tracks that are along the same ROW along an embankment. The station has an elevator, staircase, and staircase/up escalator towards its eastern end down to a station house with simple grey walls with orange tiled accents. This station house extends north of the ROW to a very wide median between two separate sets of lanes of Western Blvd (two separate two-way, four lane roads). The median, normally grassy with trees at the station has a bus loops along either side with a canopied area (not over the buses themselves) for routes 49 and 94. It extends up to W 48th Place. Just south of the station extending west from the western roadway of Western Blvd, along the southern side of the Railway ROW is the station's 200 space Park & Ride Lot.
All photos taken on 2 August, 2012

The roof of the central pedestrian area between the two bus loops extends from the station's exit

This little waiting area enclosed by windscreens has a bit of graffiti

A wider station name sign, the new signs are smaller than the original ones these panels were designed for

#3230 leads a Midway-bound train towards the station

The blur of a Midway-bound train entering

The staircase to the station exit

The wide bus boarding area

Passengers waiting for connecting buses

One end of the bus loop as a train enters the station

The original blue station column

Landscaping north of the end of the bus loop

The station is visible across one portion of Western Avenue
Last Updated: 2 September, 2012
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