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Home<Chicago<Metra<Union Pacific North<Clybourn
Home<Chicago<Metra<Union Pacific Northwest<Clybourn

Clybourn is a complicated Chicago neighborhood Metra Station located where the Union Pacific Northwest and North Lines diverge. Nearly all trains (just a few rush hour trains skip the station) make the Clybourn stop. The station is just north of the interlocking for the two routes which join onto the same 5 track viaduct the rest of the way into the Ogilvie Transportation Center in Downtown Chicago. The stop is located directly east of the Kennedy Expressway (I-90/94). Both lines utilize left-hand running due to the location of station houses on the west side of the ex-Chicago and Northwestern Stations. This station lacks a ticket office, and for passenger amenities each platform just has one or two wooden brown passenger shelters with advertisement covered windscreens. The tracks between the station platforms are all fenced off. Passengers must use underpasses and tunnels to get between them, Metra has some signage but it could be improved.

The station has a complicated layout. The UP Northwest Line has three tracks, and the UP North Line has two tracks. UP North Line has two side platforms; the Chicago-bound UP North Line has it's own side platform. The Kenosha-bound side platform is partially shared with the UP Northwest Line Chicago-bound platform. There is a wide-plaza in their mid-sections, nearly forming one platform at there southern ends. The UP Northwest Line has a total of 3 tracks; the further two tracks have an island platform for Harvard-bound trains.

The main northern station entrance is from Armitage Avenue and entered through a small parking lot between the railroad line viaducts. First there are staircases up to the inside UP North Outbound, and UP Northwest Inbound platforms, this is followed by small dark pedestrian tunnels that lead to windscreened staircases up to the UP Northwest Outbound island platform and the UP North Inbound side platform,. The entrance area ends at a wider staircase up to a wide concrete plaza area between the Inbound UP Northwest Platform, and Outbound UP North Platform as the platforms and lines get closer together.

The southern ends of the three platforms have staircases down to the northside of the Ashland Avenue underpass, the staircase to the UP North Outbound, and UP Northwest-inbound platforms is between the ends of these platforms, the UP North Inbound platform staircase is not quite at the end of the platform and is exposed to the elements, north of of the railroad underpass as Ashland Avenue curves to run parallel to the railroad line.
All Photos taken on 30 October, 2011

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Getting off a Chicago-bound UP Northwest train, its an easy transfer across the platform for Kenosha
The staircase to Ashland Avenue from the inside platforms
The plaza between the inside platforms
A Shelter for the North Line to Kenosha
F40 #138 pushes a Chicago-bound Northwest Line trian out of the station
F40 #138 continues leaving for Chicago
A Chicago-bound UP Northwest train heads for Chicago over the interlocking with the UP North Line
On the Island platform passengers wait for the next outbound UP Northwest Line train
Looking down to the main entrance area between the railroad viaducts
A simple wooden shelter
A staircase up to the middle platforms and tunnel for the Northwest Line to Harvard
Inside the plaza and staircases (some via short tunnels) to all platforms
Northwest Line platform direction signs
The entrance walkway past a small parking area
A larger Metra Clybourn sign
The station entrance through a parking lot from Armitage Avenue
The small parking lot and entrance sign
A sign for the station platforms from the Ashland Avenue underpass
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Home<Chicago<Metra<Union Pacific North<Clybourn
Home<Chicago<Metra<Union Pacific Northwest<Clybourn

Last Updated: 19 November, 2017
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Metra Commuter Rail, or any other transit provider
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