Fairview Avenue
Fairview Avenue
left  Main St./Downers Grove 
Westmont  right 
Home<Chicago<Metra<BNSF Railway<Fairview Avenue

Fairview Avenue (east Grove) is the easternmost of 3 station's in the Village of Downers Grove. This station consists of a two side platforms for the 3 track line that begin at the Fairview Avenue grade-crossing and run east. The Fairview Avenue grade-crossing provides the way to get between the platforms. The Inbound platform contains a historic 1916 masonry station house. This two-story building is painted white and looks more like a cottage than a train station. There are brown with white text Fairview Ave. signs in a unique format. Inside is a small waiting room (who's hours are not posted on Metra's website) with a wooden bench. A porch overhanging the building provides all covering for waiting passengers for Inbound trains, including a few benches. The outbound platform contains a shelter, designed like the station house with a shingled roof, and Plexiglas for most of its walls. Inside is a single bench.

The station house on the Inbound is along the station's main 225 space parking lot. This parking lot stretches back with 5 rows of parking to 2nd Street, next to a Pepperidge Farm and Campbell Soup factory (which does have a railroad siding). The Outbound platform has access only at each end, from the grade-crossing and then a sidewalk that leads up to Burlington Avenue at the eastern end of the platform.
All Photos taken on 17 February, 2018

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Approaching the station through Parking Lot I
The empty parking lot and station off in the distance
Numbered parking station's and the two-story, 'cottage' depot
The depot and shelter across from it
An unusual format Fairview Ave. sign on the depot
One side of the two-story depot
The shelter on the outbound platform
Historic plaques for the Fairview (East Grove) station from the village of Downers Grove
Looking into the closed on a Saturday waiting area
One side of the Fairview Ave. depot
Looking across to the shelter on the outbound platform
The Fairview Ave. grade-crossing
A Fairview Avenue platform sign and depot behind it
View from the Outbound platform of depot and shelter
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Home<Chicago<Metra<BNSF Railway<Fairview Avenue

Last Updated: 19 March, 2018
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Metra Commuter Rail, or any other transit provider
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