Oak Park
Home<Chicago CTA<Green Line<Oak Park

Oak Park (CTA Green Line Station, not to be confused with the Oak Park Metra Station shared with the CTA Harlem/Lake Station) is one of the three stations in Oak Park that received minimal improvements during the 1994-1996 closure of the green line for its full rebuilding. It is one of 3 Green Line stations outside of the loop (all consecutively in Oak Park) that aren't ADA compliant with elevators. It retains a basically original arrangement from its 1962 opening (during a grade crossing illumination project) that relocated this CTA line to be along the south side of an embankment shared with what was then the Chicago and Northwestern and is now the Metra Union Pacific West Line. The station has a single wooden island platform that is canopied except at its extreme ends. The station opened with exits at each end but the Euclid Avenue end was closed for entering on September 2, 1973 and exiting in the 1980s. This small station house sits abandoned underneath the elevated, all evidence of the staircase is gone. The current exit has a staircase and combined up escalator/staircase down to a tiny station house on the south side of the embankment at the SE corner of Oak Park Avenue and South Blvd. A few steps lead out to the street. The station house has peach colored brick walls plus simple windows, parts of early 1960s attempts to add color to the design and similar to the 'bricks' found at the Blue Line station in the Douglas Expressway a half mile south of this station.
Photos 1-20 taken on 3 August, 2012; 21-22 February 17, 2018

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Looking up to the shared embankment/filled in viaduct, the former Euclid Avenue station house entrance
Looking up to a Green Line train stopping at Oak Park
Across the street from the station
Cars park along South Blvd along the concrete railroad viaduct
The open early 1960s station house
There are green Oak Park signs outside and a few steps at the only entrance
The bridge across Oak Park Avenue. Oak Park is written on the sides of the overpass
A green fence outside the one entrance
Top of the staircase/escalator
An approaching outbound Metra Union Pacific West Train
F40PH #147 leads a UP West Train as it starts to pass the L platform
F40PH #147 'Village of Hanover Park' keeps leading a train through
The blur of F40PH #147 'Village of Hanover Park' passing the 'L' platform
The long train of Galley Cars that is this Metra train
The last Galley Cab Car of a passing 9 car train
Top of the staircase up to the platform
View of the roof of the station house and nearby streets
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Home<Chicago CTA<Green Line<Oak Park

Last Updated: 21 February, 2018
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