Oak Park is a Blue Line Station located between the southern side of the Eisenhower Expressway and the tracks of the Baltimore and Ohio Chicago Terminal Railroad. The station has a single island platform serving the two track line, that has the usual continuous canopy that is held up by single white beams. The station has two exits: The staffed one is at the western end of the platform and has a long gradual ramp up (with plexiglass walls) to a small station house along the east side of Oak Park Avenue. There is a secondary exit at the eastern end of the platform; here a short staircase leads down to track level for about a 300 foot walkway between the tracks which is covered by a white roof and has a simple chain link fence. Eventually there is a staircase up to a small building with glass walls and two high farecard only entrance and exit turnstiles before glass doors lead out to the west side of East Avenue's overpass of the expressway and train tracks.
Photos 1-14 taken on 17 July, 2009, 15-35 on 3 August, 2012

Approaching the staircase down between the tracks to the walkway to the secondary exit

The short staircase down to the walkway to East Avenue

On the walkway just low chainlink fencing that doesn't look original

Approaching the staircase up to East Avenue

View of one of the tracks from the walkway

Going up the stairs to the East Avenue exit

Two High Exit Turnstiles out to East Avenue

Two sets of doors into the little secondary station huose for East Avenue

A banner advertises the entrance being open at all times

Another view across the street to the East Avenue entrance

Side view across the expressway to the staircase and walkway from East Avenue

Looking across the expressway to the station in the distance
Last Updated: 5 October, 2012
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