The Evelyn Station was located directly along the east side of the Caltrain ROW that trains curve onto about a block south of the station. It is along a short section of the Mountain View Line that is just a single track and has a single side platform on the southwest side of the light rail track, between the light rail track and the Caltrain tracks. Just south of the platform is the remains of a switch and siding that were built to connect the light rail tracks with the Caltrain tracks and were functional when the station opened on December 20, 1999. Today the switch looks removed and severed, covered in ballast.
The station platform, with a single green canopy structure with a couple of windscreened benches, is directly across from Central Expressway that is parallel to the rail line (that the light rail line crosses on a grade as it leaves the Caltrain ROW). All access though is from the southwest side of the tracks. At the southern end of the light rail platform steps and an interdict ramp lead down to a pedestrian tunnel (with white tiles and blue support beams) under the Caltrain line and up to another staircase and switch backing concrete ramp up to Evelyn Avenue that is parallel to the other side of the railway line. The side of Evelyn Avenue along the rail line lacks a sidewalk so all passengers use a crosswalk at the T-intersection of Evelyn Avenue and Poineer Way (ending at the tracks) to legally leave the station and reach its 196 space park and ride lot across the street at the NW corner.
All Photos taken on 12 June, 2013
The station, the second-most lightly used stop on VTA light rail was closed on March 16, 2015 and demolished to make room for double-tracking of the Mountain View Line