Palo Alto<
Photos Page 2
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An F59PHI pushes a San Francisco-bound train north
A San Francisco-bound train continues leaving
An F59PHI fades into the distance
The view across to the depot and its covered connection to the main ramp to the San Francisco-bound platform
The shelter on the SF-bound platform
Silver letters on the shelter for Palo Alto
A nearly full view across from the depot
Text on the awning of the depot
Entrance to a ramp down to University Avenue
The stairs and ADA ramp down to the new ADA compliant underpass
The stairs and ramp down to the new underpass
Behind the shelter platform is some trees and downhill
Stairs up to the platform
The modern but trying to fit into the station entrance to the new tunnel
A pillar by the new ADA ramp
Going down the ramp to the new pedestrian underpass
Inside the new pedestrian tunnel, complete with skylights
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Palo Alto<
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 12 February, 2014
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Altamont Commuter Express, their official website is
This Website is copyright © 2003--2024, Jeremiah Cox. This website is not affiliated with any transit provider. Please do not remote link or copy images from this website without permission.
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