Sacramento, CA
Photos Page 2
Historic Amtrak Station, Light Rail Platforms
Current (2013-) Modern, Faraway Platform Area
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The construction project and vast amounts of space between the station and the new platform area
The intermediate point on the path. There are benches, and a water fountain
The fenced off covered pathway at the start of the ramp down to the underpass for platform access
The station and original platforms
The covered path
Some flora is along the path with names of the species
Plants as we approach the original paltforms, the walkway's modern canopy goes under the original higher one
The pathway crosses the original paltforms, the tracks have been removed but the platforms beyond the pathway are fully intact
Looking down the one of the original platforms, there is still a tactile warning strip but no tracks
The fenced off entrance to the platform
Some woodchips over the former platform area now crossed by the path to the new platforms
Looking through the original platforms to the new platform area across just an empty field so far
Follow the sign for Trains at the start of the path across the original platforms
Trains or Old Sacramento (and an older fence) at the start of the original platform crossing
In the middle of the walkway
The start of the ramp, LEDs keep things bright
nearing the bottom of the ramp
The start of the tunnel with Sacramento Valley Station To All Trains text
Train information displays, there are two buses to Stockton for the same San Joaquin connection
The sign at the base of the ramps to Tracks 5 & 6
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Historic Amtrak Station, Light Rail Platforms
Current (2013-) Modern, Faraway Platform Area
Sacramento, CA
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 11 February, 2014
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak California, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
as well as
where all historical train information comes from.
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