Madera, CA
Photos Page 3
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The view from the northern end of the platform
The parking lot extends just north of the platform
The grade crossing viewed from the platform
The information panel with the Thank You for Choosing Amtrak positioned correctly so arriving passengers see it and access road beyond
BNSF Dash 9-44CW #4654 leads a northbound freight through
BNSF Dash 9-44CW #4654
The three locomotives of a freight pass through
Hopper cars pass through
A freight train of hopper cars has passes through
The last hopper car passes through
Southbound train #712 approaches
Plaques for deceased Station Volunteers
Southbound train #712 reaches the end of the platform
The middle of the turnaround area now has a flagpole
The original platform shelter now has a building behind it. There are also now solar panels
The new restroom structure was built with solar panels in mind, the original structure has been retrofitted with them
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Madera, CA
Photos Page 3
Last Updated: 21 March, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak California, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
as well as
where all historical train information comes from.
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