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Home<California<Altamont Commuter Express (ACE)<Tracy

Tracy is an ACE Rail station that opened with the line's inaugural run on October 19, 1998. The station has is located in an area of subdivisions and although Tracy has the TRACER Fixed Route Bus service it provides minimal service to the station (with its own hub in downtown Tracy). The ACE Station is located outside of downtown Tracy, surrounded by subdivisions. The station itself has a single low-level side platform for the single track line. This platform has the usual white fence. There are two small canopy structures that consist of three cream colored beams holding up a curved, teal colored canopy. These are supplemented by five black bus shelter structures. The platform is located just east of the grade crossing with Tracy Blvd but there is no legal access to this crossing. Across the track from the platform parallel to it is Linne Road and there isn't a fence. All legal platform access is instead via three short crossings over a landscaped area with trees to the station's parking lot. At one of these entrances is the ACE ticket kiosk in the usual purple and blue colors of ACE. It is staffed 20 minutes prior to the departure of all AM Trains. The parking lot is between Tracy Blvd with the only entrance at its end opposite the platform and a curving, short industrial track that leaves the UP main line just east of the station, it serves a few industrial customers in Tracy.
Photos 1-7 taken on 14 June, 2013, after a BART meltdown made me miss the first ACE train and not make the hour stopover I planned for a full photo essay, hopefully one day I'll get to return to this station and do its photo essay justice.

Passengers get off ACE Train #6
Evening Commuters get off ACE at the simple platform
A platform sign and ramps down to the parking lot
Evening Commuters get off at this busy ACE station
A Tracy platform sign
A Tracy platform sign and parking lot with plenty of trees behind
The view out the window leaving Tracy of the rail spur along the edge of the parking lot
Home<California<Altamont Commuter Express (ACE)<Tracy
ACE Express

Last Updated: 9 July, 2013
All photos are by Jeremiah Cox
This website is not allifiated with Altamont Commuter Express, their official website is here
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