Prince Street is a BMT Broadway Line Local Stop with two side platforms for the four track line and no free crossover or under. The stop has two narrow column-less side platforms (that get even narrow a the ends) that were renovated again in the early 2000s restoring the teens-era tiling of a trimline consisting of shades of green for the solid sections with a light blue boarder and a darker blue background for Ps at regular intervals. Name tablets say Prince St off white on a blue background with shades of gold, green, then blue forming the boarders. This was first covered over with the 1950s era cinderblock type walls. There is one on platform exit for each direction towards the middle both sides have a bank of turnstiles, the uptown platform has the stops remaining token booth, the downtown one has been removed, and each leads out to two street stairs on its respective side of Broadway at Prince Street giving all four corners of the intersection one streetstair.
Photos 1-8: November 1, 2004; 9-15: August 12, 2011; 16 & 17: December 4, 2012; 18-24: September 24, 2023

A P in the trimline of the platforms

Looking down towards one end of one of the column-less platforms at Prince St

A Prince St name tablet and continuing to look down one of the platforms

This random manhole is in the middle of one narrow end of one of the platforms

Looking down the floor of one of the platforms

Looking over the manhole and down the floor of one of the platforms

A wall view of a Prince St name tablet

Stepping off the back of a downtown R train, very little room to walk

A Prince St name tablet partially cut off by a utility room

The MVMs that have replaced the token booth in the fare control area of the downtown side

The turnstiles for the Downtown platform

A streetstair with the enter with or buy at MetroCard at all times note for the downtown platform and a happy face globe

An Uptown & Queens streetstair

The turnstiles for the uptown platform

The current state of the R train a month after Superstorm Sandy and newsstand behind

Looking across to lots of passengers waiting for uptown trains

The blur of a Brooklyn-bound R train leaving Prince St

A Prince St Name tablet and the unique narrow line under it

The installed after the artwork was Help Point interrupted the continuity of the artwork
Station Subway Lines (2010-2016)
Last Updated: April 6, 2024
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