Sign for the station's Improving Non-Stop renovation repairing and painting Cortelyou Road
Entering the station house with 3 turnstiles and signs on them that there is only Coney Island-bound service (the Manhattan-bound platform is closed for repairs) and to change at Newkirk for Manhattan-bound service
Caution Tape surrounds the doors to Manhattan & Queens
On the platform, the Manhattan-bound side is covered in a scrim wall to allow the contractor to work without trains slowing down
The conductors zebra stop bar with signs for trains not to stop here or at Beverley Road
The extremely narrow portion of the platform between the staircases up to the station house
Graffiti is on the scrim closing off the Manhattan-bound platform
Looking across to the Manhattan-bound platform under the ancillary building, a Cortelyou Rd sign is visible through the scrim
A missing platform sign
A Brighton Beach-bound R68 B train approaches the station to skip it on the express track
A Manhattan-bound B train skips the station
A Cortelyou Rd platform mosaic name tablet, in a font from the 1990s renovation
Houses and backyards are nestled over the platforms
The narrow southern ends of the platforms carved out of the open-cut trench walls
Getting off a Q train at the narrow platform, post-2010s renovation
The Blur of a departing Manhattan-bound Q train and extremely narrow very northern end of the platform