20 Avenue was another dilapidated Sea Beach Line Station before the station was rebuilt from 2016 through 2019. The stop is located it the open cut with the platforms set directly into the sides of the cut tucked beneath Mapleton. The station's platforms before the rehabilitation had the standard peeling paint concrete columns and needs a paint job.
The stations only entrance is located inside a small station house above the express tracks towards the middle of the station. The station house is along the east side of 20 Avenue (between 65th and 64th Street) and is located in a low-rise shopping district and fits into the streetscape. Inside the station house are the token booth, turnstiles, and until the renovation a newsstand. Doors lead out from the center of the station house to an upper landing area where a couple of steps along each side of the landing area lead down to intermediate landings above each platform. Two staircases lead down to each platform.
Photos 1-8: June 4, 2005; 9-29: August 13, 2008; 30 & 31: August 11, 2009; 32-45: March 15, 2013; 45 & 46: October 18, 2018

A R68 N train leaves the peeling columns of 20 Avenue

Approaching one of two staircases up to the station house at 20 Avenue

The 20 Avenue overpass, a R40M train leaves

R40M #4496, the support US 2012 Olympic bid sticker is visible

A R68 D train bypasses 20 Avenue because of construction on the Sea Beach Line

The Manhattan-bound platform tucked beneath the neighborhood with a passenger waiting for a train

20 Avenue has old and unique blue benches along the platforms for waiting passengers

A R40S N train enters 20 Avenue

A view down the Manhattan-bound platform at 20 Avenue

A standard metal sign along the peeling paint of the platforms

More peeling paint along the ceiling of the Manhattan-bound platform at 20 Avenue. I wonder if its health hazard because of lead in it

An under construction portion of the platform at 20 Avenue, construction lights hang from the ceiling, there is a wooden and steel roof

The remains of a pay phone, and other dilapidated walls at 20 Avenue

A train service times sign still exists beneath the under construction portion of the 20 Avenue Station

A simple exit sign for 20 Avenue's only exit

The enclosed by concrete mezzanine area before the station house at 20 Avenue

Doors into the station house at 20 Avenue

A simple wooden bench in the nicely tiled station house at 20 Avenue

A sign for train signal on a closed grate inside 20 Avenue

Tiling detail outside the station house at 20 Avenue
Last Updated: June 22, 2022
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