Pittsburgh, PA
Photos Page 2
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An Amfleet-I Northeast Regional Cafe car #43386 layovers at the station, it will be on this morning's Pennsylvanian
12 August, 2012
Passengers make there way into the little station off the Capitol Limited
12 August, 2012
Superliner-I CCC #37006 is deadheading on the Capitol Limited, don't why it is needed in Washington
12 August, 2012
The back of the Capitol across from the Northeast Regional Cafe on the Pennsylvanian
12 August, 2012
The station entrance
12 August, 2012
Signs for the station
12 August, 2012
The back of the Pennsylvanian (a Buisiness Class Coach) next to some private varnish that lives in the station and their bumper blocks
12 August, 2012
A sign (beneath a turboliner) to be careful of moving equipment on platform (carts or trains?)
12 August, 2012
A portion of the island platform is under construction
12 August, 2012
The idoling P42 of the Pennsylvanian which will pull it as far as Philidelphia
12 August, 2012
The construction area, no access to the sleepers
12 August, 2012
Dawn breaks as the Capitol Limited sits in Pittsburgh due to track work farther down the line
12 August, 2012
Looking into the construction zone
12 August, 2012
The Busssiness Class Car of the Pennyslvanian I will board in a few hours
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Pittsburgh, PA
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 30 May, 2011
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, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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