Harrisburg, PA
Home<Amtrak<Harrisburg, PA<Photos Page 4
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Looking over the Pennsylvanian at a back up Ex-Metroliner Cab Car
The baggage elevator shaft that is closed on the only place with elevator access
The closed elevator
The first two cars of the Pennsylvanian don't platform
Staircases to leave the platform
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Home<Amtrak<Harrisburg, PA<Photos Page 4

Last Updated: 2 March, 2017
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is here, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is Amtrak's Great American Stations
This Website is maintained and copyright © 2006--2024, Jeremiah Cox. Please do not remote link images or copy them from this website without permission. Contact the webmaster