Detroit, MI
Photos Page 2
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P42 #27 pushes a Wolverine south to Chicago
P42 #27 passes the platform entrance from the Detroit Station
The station house is away from the entrance
The parking lot entrance from the sidewalk of Baltimore Street
Looking up at a large pointless arrow logo
Lots of light screams through the windows of the station house
The blue doors off in the distance to trains from the well lit waiting area
The restrooms have an Amtrak Patrons Only sign
The stations extremely long hours 6:00am-1:00am with closings for lunch and the shift change
The former baggage ramp up to the platform from the parking lot
The Amtrak Station sign in front of the station
Another parking lot view
A close up of the Amtrak Station sign
A station direction sign with the old Amtrak logo above
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Detroit, MI
Photos Page 2
Last Updated: 11 November, 2011
This website is not affiliated with Amtrak, their official website is
, A source I have used countless times while compiling this section is
Amtrak's Great American Stations
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